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Reidvale Housing Association has commissioned TPAS Scotland to support us to develop our tenant participation activity.  This will be done with meetings both in the office and on-line, the meeting dates and times are as follows:

11/11/24 - Online Zoom call 10.30 - 11.30

11/11/24 - In Reidvale HA Office 1 - 3

11/11/24 - Online Zoom call 6.30 - 7.30

16/11/24 - In Reidvale HA Office 10 -12

If you want to take part in the online meetings please contact the office and they will forward you the meeting link. For the other dates please just turn up to the office as these are drop in sessions.

The other way of gathering information is by survey which will be delivered to every household and all tenants are encouraged to complete the survey. You can either complete the form and return in the prepaid envelope to Reidvale Housing Association, or do it online by following this link:


Closing date for survey returns is 16th November 2024. 

We would love to hear your thoughts and views and appreciate you taking the time to fill in this survey.