We are committed to delivering an  excellent service to all tenants, factored owners and service users.  

As a registered social landlord (RSL), the Association is regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR), the independent regulator of RSLs and the local authority housing services in Scotland.  

The Association reports annually to the SHR on our perfromance in relation to the Scottish Social Housing Charter (the Charter) by submitting an Annual Return on the Charter (ARC). 

The Charter sets out the standards and outcomes that our tenants and other service users can expect from the Association in terms of the quality and value for money of the services they received, the standard of their homes, and opportunities for communication and participation in the decisons that affect them.  

Area of Performance we Measure 

We measure our performance in many areas including:

  • How we communicate and participate with our tenants and service users
  • The quality of our houisng and mainteannce service
  • How well we maintain our neighbourhood
  • The quality of information that we provide to tenants and service users
  • Value for money in respect of rents and service charges
  • How well we manage complaints

As well as completing the Annual Return on the Charter, the Association is also required to report upon its performance to tenants and other service users each year.  We will be sending out a  Performance Report by the end of October each year to our tenants and service users in addition to the Annual Report we issue ahead of our AGM.

The Association is also required to submit an Annual Assurance Statement to the Scottish Housing Regulator. The Assurance Statement is a way for the Management Committee to declare that they are assured that the Associaton complies with regulatory requirements and standards or to disclose areas where they need to improve.

Please find below links to different areas of our Performance as a housing association.

The Regulatory Framework we work within can be found on the SHR's website.