Repair Response Times
Following a review fo our current repair response times, the Association has introduced new repair categories and response times which are noted below;
Emergency repairs
Our objective is that any hazard must be made safe within 4 hours.
Examples of emergency repairs are;
- loss of power or electrical faults endangering life or the property;
- water ingress e.g. flooding to the flat below;
- burst pipes and water tanks;
- break-in;
- loss of keys;
- securing flat after Police attendance;
- gain access incl. failure of door entry system;
- lack of heating / hot water;
- unusable toilet facilities;
- choked drains upsurging within flat;
- glazing if dangerous i.e. close door, single glazed stairhead windows;
- falling masonry or structural problems causing a danger to tenants and the general public;
- fires;
- loss of water supply.