This update is coming to you at a time of significant change to the Association.


You will be aware that Shareholders of the Association voted  against the Transfer of Engagements to Places for People Scotland at the Special General Meeting (SGM) On 15th January 2024.  Another SGM was subsequently on held on 25th March 2024 when five new resident members were elected on to  the Management Committee. In addition to the new resident members, a total of four

co-optees were elected onto the Committee. These co-optees have a wealth of experience in the housing sector, and bring the necessary skills to strengthen the Management Committee at a time that is crucial for the Association.


At the first Management Committee meeting following these elections on 4th April 2024 a decision was taken to second Julie Smillie, Director of Molendinar Park Housing Association, to Reidvale to assist the Management Committee in delivering improvements, and achieving its strategic and operational objectives. A further decision was taken to retain the services of Paul Rydquist to assist with compliance and investment matters.  It is essential that Reidvale work towards achieving compliance with the Regulatory Standards of Governance and Financial Management. The Association has been assessed by the Scottish Housing Regulator as being non-compliant but working towards compliance at this time.


Much work has gone into stabilising the Association in the period from April, and we are now in a position to share our plans for the coming months.


Our priority is first and foremost tenant and resident safety. Work is ongoing to identify and address the immediate issues of the stonework in the area. A further survey has been commissioned (last survey was 2021) and the results of this survey will be presented to the Management Committee. Management Committee will then be in a fully informed position to develop a plan to address these issues.


Another priority for the Association is to address the topic of investment into your homes. In order to address this, and to gather the information required to formulate an Investment Plan we have commissioned a further stock condition survey. This survey will result in the Association having gathered information on all of our properties and provide the much needed data to allow us to develop a programme of investment.


We recognise that open and honest communication with our residents is vital and you will hear more from us in the coming weeks and months.  We have started work to develop a Resident Participation Strategy which will deliver a plan for prolonged, and meaningful engagement with our residents. In the interim period we will be hosting drop in sessions at various times where we encourage residents to come along and talk to us. Committee and Staff will be on-hand to answer any questions you may have and to share our plans moving forward. However, these are not the only times where contact will be welcomed, our door is always open and we would encourage residents to contact us at any time.


Reidvale has a thriving community, and local people were instrumental in the decision not to transfer to Places for People Scotland. We want to share the message that Reidvale are here to support the community, and we will ensure that the Management Committee and staff team work collaboratively with you our residents to deliver a plan to deliver improvements.