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The Association's current Business Plan is no longer suitable and whilst we are working to develop a comprehensive plan which will cover the period from 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2028, an Interim Plan was rerquired to set out our priorities for this financial year. 

The past few months have seen significant change for the Association following the member's decision not to support the transfer to Places for People Scotland.  We very much appreciate that residents may feel that not much has happened during this period, but we can assure you that a great deal has been done to stablise the Association, and to prepare it for moving forward.  The Interim Plan highlights how we are dealing with the immediate priorities for the Association, and our community. 

Each of the 5 Goals set out in the Interim Plan have been developed to adddress the key issues currently facing the Association over the coming months, and to ensure that we can deliver a high quality service to our residents.  Work is already well underway on all of them.

Our first goal, and overriding priority, is to set a clear strategic direction for the future, and to incorporate this into a new, soundly-based and sustainable business plan.  The processs of developing this plan will involve a lot of critical choices and decisions for the management committee.  We are also reaching out to our tenants, to encourage volunteers to get involved in the consultations and engagemen twe will want to have with you, as we develop this inew Plan for the future.  If there are any of our tenants who are interested in joining others to be a part of this process, pleae contat our Interim Director, Julie Smillie, by emailing her at

We hope you find the summary interim plan, which you can read on the home page of our website, informative and reassuring that the Association's committee and staff are working hard to address the issues currently facing Reidvale.  

We would very much welcome any feedback you may have.  This will allow us to incorporate more of your views into the comprehensive Business Plan currently in development.